
¿Qué significa ser miembro?

Inspired by the “50+1” supporter ownership model mandated in Germany, 51% of our club is owned by a non-profit members organization and 49% is owned by private investors.

Anyone can become a member of SF City FC’s Members Organization, and all members receive season tickets to home matches and voting rights in the club. The Members Organization ensures that major changes to the club's operations, including membership benefits, ticket prices, league, sponsors, club crest, and home stadium, cannot be made without majority approval of our membership-elected Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are elected by members in good standing during the club’s Annual General Meeting.

The Members Organization’s Board of Directors selects one board member to act as the Chair to the three-person Executive Board, alongside the Chair of Club Operations and the Chair of the Investors Board. Any major proposed changes to the club must be unanimously approved by the three-person Executive Board.

SF City FC is organized to ensure that all stakeholders have a voice. We believe this model ensures the sustainability of the club and a powerful connection to the local community.


With our partnership with San Francisco Youth Soccer, a percentage of our annual membership fees will be donated to the public youth soccer organization.

0 — 414 Members = 10% of membership fees donated
415 – 1000 Members = 15% of membership fees donated
1000 – 2000 Members = 20% of membership fees donated
2000+ Members = 25% of membership fees donated

Membresía de embajador

Este nivel de membresía es para quienes viven fuera del Área de la Bahía o simplemente quieren apoyar al club sin necesidad de abonos. Los paquetes incluyen: bufanda o tarjeta de regalo electrónica, calendario, pegatinas y un regalo de temporada.


  • Membership card (no season tickets)
  • Annual membership scarf (or eGift card)
  • Annual membership gift
  • Stickers and other goodies
  • Voting rights and privlegaes

Membresía anual

Membresía única para residentes de San Francisco y sus alrededores. Los abonos están incluidos con todo lo demás del paquete de membresía.


  • Membership card (season tickets)
  • Annual membership scarf (or eGift card)
  • Annual membership gift
  • Bring-a-Friend voucher
  • Drink token
  • Stickers and other goodies
  • Voting rights and privlegaes

Membresía familiar

Tenemos opciones para familias de 4 y 5 personas. Cada miembro de la familia recibe su propio paquete, todo entregado a la vez.


  • Membership cards x4 or x5 (season tickets)
  • Annual membership scarf x4 or x5 (or eGift card)
  • Annual membership gift x4 or x5
  • Bring-a-Friend voucher x4 or x5
  • Drink token x4 or x5
  • Stickers and other goodies
  • Voting rights and privlegaes

Membresía vitalicia

Título 3

Título 4

Lifetime Membership is for the diehard fans.


  • Metal Membership card (season tickets until we go pro*)
  • Annual membership scarf (for life)
  • Annual membership gift (for life)
  • Bring-a-Friend voucher (for life)
  • Drink token (for life)
  • Stickers and other goodies (for life)
  • One (1) Complimentary jersey at sign-up
  • Voting rights and privileges (for life)

Lista desordenada

  • Elemento A
  • Elemento B

*When the club goes pro, Lifetime Members will have priority and better rates for season tickets.

Junta directiva y operaciones

Brendan Browne
Fiduciario de la junta
Tyler Hinman
Fiduciario de la junta
Pete Bogdis
Fiduciario de la junta
Jason Crayne
Tesorero/Secretario de la Junta
Thomas Boyer
Fiduciario de la junta
Dan Prum
Fiduciario de la junta
David Lee
Fiduciario de la junta
Smiling african american man tossing soccer ball inside a public transit car
Ozo Umeh
Fiduciario de la junta
Página de Killian
Fiduciario de la junta

Trabaja como voluntario en el club


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